Thasya N

26 Februari 2024 13:10



Thasya N

26 Februari 2024 13:10


Tolong ya ka

Tolong ya ka




Jawaban terverifikasi



Yuni H

28 Februari 2024 13:24

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>The writer's intention in the text is to provide general information about how thunder is produced during a lightning strike. The text explains the science behind the phenomenon, describing how lightning, which can heat the air to temperatures hotter than the surface of the Sun, causes the surrounding air to suddenly become very hot. This hot air then rushes away from the lightning bolt, creating the booming sound known as thunder.</p><p>Additionally, the text educates readers on the relationship between lightning and thunder, highlighting that the sound of thunder is often heard after seeing a bolt of lightning due to the slower speed of sound compared to light. The writer further imparts a method for estimating the distance of a lightning strike by counting the seconds between the flash of lightning and the subsequent sound of thunder, emphasizing that sound travels about 1 mile every 5 seconds.</p><p>In summary, the writer aims to share general knowledge about the physics of thunder and lightning, allowing readers to understand the connection between these natural phenomena and providing a simple method to gauge the distance of a lightning strike.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>C. To make people know (how a certain phenomenon happens) generally.</strong></p>

The writer's intention in the text is to provide general information about how thunder is produced during a lightning strike. The text explains the science behind the phenomenon, describing how lightning, which can heat the air to temperatures hotter than the surface of the Sun, causes the surrounding air to suddenly become very hot. This hot air then rushes away from the lightning bolt, creating the booming sound known as thunder.

Additionally, the text educates readers on the relationship between lightning and thunder, highlighting that the sound of thunder is often heard after seeing a bolt of lightning due to the slower speed of sound compared to light. The writer further imparts a method for estimating the distance of a lightning strike by counting the seconds between the flash of lightning and the subsequent sound of thunder, emphasizing that sound travels about 1 mile every 5 seconds.

In summary, the writer aims to share general knowledge about the physics of thunder and lightning, allowing readers to understand the connection between these natural phenomena and providing a simple method to gauge the distance of a lightning strike.


C. To make people know (how a certain phenomenon happens) generally.



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