Nara N

16 Februari 2024 15:01


Nara N

16 Februari 2024 15:01


The whole kitchen was still very dirty; she ... forgotten to clean it. a. should have b. would have c. might have d. must be e. could be KASIH ALASANNYA YA KENAPA JAWABANNYA ITU HARUSS!!

The whole kitchen was still very dirty; she ... forgotten to clean it.
a. should have
b. would have
c. might have 
d. must be
e. could be

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Jawaban terverifikasi


Kaylifa R

18 Februari 2024 06:06

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Jawaban yang tepat adalah c. Might have.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Penjelasan :</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><i>The whole kitchen <strong>was </strong>still very dirty.&nbsp;</i></p><p>Penggunaan kata 'was' dalam kalimat tersebut menandakan bahwa kejadian tersebut terjadi di masa lampau (<i>past tense</i>).</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><i><strong>Modals</strong></i><strong> </strong>adalah kata kerja bantu yang digunakan untuk memberi pengertian yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan (<i>ability</i>), kemungkinan (<i>possibility</i>), izin (<i>permission</i>) dan sebagainya.<br>Contoh modals adalah should, would, could, dan will.&nbsp;<br><br>Apabila ingin menuliskan modals dalam bentuk lampau, rumus yang digunakan adalah <strong>Modals + have + Verb 3</strong>. Dimana verb 3 dalam kalimat ini adalah <i>forgotten.</i></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Bentuk modals yang paling tepat digunakan dalam konteks ini adalah <strong>Might</strong> yang menandakan kemungkinan (possibility).<br><br>Maka dari itu jawaban yang tepat adalah c. Might have.</p>

Jawaban yang tepat adalah c. Might have.


Penjelasan :


The whole kitchen was still very dirty. 

Penggunaan kata 'was' dalam kalimat tersebut menandakan bahwa kejadian tersebut terjadi di masa lampau (past tense).


Modals adalah kata kerja bantu yang digunakan untuk memberi pengertian yang berhubungan dengan kemampuan (ability), kemungkinan (possibility), izin (permission) dan sebagainya.
Contoh modals adalah should, would, could, dan will. 

Apabila ingin menuliskan modals dalam bentuk lampau, rumus yang digunakan adalah Modals + have + Verb 3. Dimana verb 3 dalam kalimat ini adalah forgotten.


Bentuk modals yang paling tepat digunakan dalam konteks ini adalah Might yang menandakan kemungkinan (possibility).

Maka dari itu jawaban yang tepat adalah c. Might have.


Salsabila M


20 Juli 2024 12:38

<p>The correct answer is:</p><p>a. <strong>should have</strong></p><p><strong>Explanation:</strong></p><p>In the sentence, "The whole kitchen was still very dirty; she ... forgotten to clean it," the phrase "should have" is used to indicate that something was expected or required but did not happen.</p><p>Here's why "should have" fits best:</p><ul><li><strong>"Should have forgotten"</strong> implies that the expectation was for her to clean the kitchen, and it is suggested that she failed to meet that expectation. The dirtiness of the kitchen indicates that she likely did not clean it as expected.</li><li><strong>"Would have"</strong> implies a hypothetical situation, which is not what this sentence is conveying.</li><li><strong>"Might have"</strong> suggests uncertainty or possibility, which does not strongly convey the expectation or requirement.</li><li><strong>"Must be"</strong> implies certainty about the current state or situation but does not fit the past expectation context.</li><li><strong>"Could be"</strong> suggests possibility, which is not as strong or direct as the expectation conveyed by "should have."</li></ul><p>Therefore, "should have" is the most appropriate choice to complete the sentence.</p>

The correct answer is:

a. should have


In the sentence, "The whole kitchen was still very dirty; she ... forgotten to clean it," the phrase "should have" is used to indicate that something was expected or required but did not happen.

Here's why "should have" fits best:

  • "Should have forgotten" implies that the expectation was for her to clean the kitchen, and it is suggested that she failed to meet that expectation. The dirtiness of the kitchen indicates that she likely did not clean it as expected.
  • "Would have" implies a hypothetical situation, which is not what this sentence is conveying.
  • "Might have" suggests uncertainty or possibility, which does not strongly convey the expectation or requirement.
  • "Must be" implies certainty about the current state or situation but does not fit the past expectation context.
  • "Could be" suggests possibility, which is not as strong or direct as the expectation conveyed by "should have."

Therefore, "should have" is the most appropriate choice to complete the sentence.

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