Nafis N

04 Maret 2022 18:38



Nafis N

04 Maret 2022 18:38


Teti Marliana HR Manager of Bima Airways 78 Bima Street Ban dung Dear Ms. Teti, I am writing this application for the senior customer service agent position as advertised on the official website of Bima Airways. As required, I am attaching my resume and copy of highest educational certificate. The vacancy announced on the website is very exciting, and I am sure four years' experience in customer service with Qatar Airways will be of advantage. The strengths that I have for filling this position are: 1. I have successfully served customers on domestic and international flights, 2. I speak English and Chinese fluently, 3. I maintain and develop my expertise, and 4. I provide exceptional contributions to customer service for all customers. Possessing a diploma in communications at One Air Institution, I have excellent skills in dealing with people from different backgrounds. I also have experience in using new technology devices. Please refer to my resume for further information on my abilities. I can be contacted anytime via e-mail at gumilar.gelar @ or my cell phone, +62 87038 117402. Sincerely, Gelar Gumilar What company did the applicant work for before? a. Qattar Airways b. Qafar Airways c. Qatar Airways d. Qalar Airways e. Qantas Airways



Jawaban terverifikasi



S. Audy

06 Maret 2022 09:27

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo, Nafis! Kakak bantu jawab ya.. Jawabannya adalah "C. Qatar Airways." Soal ini bertanya di perusahaan apa pelamar bekerja sebelumnya. Untuk menjawab soal ini kita harus mencari kata kunci dari teks bacaan dengan teknik scanning. Kata kunci dari teks bacaan terdapat pada kalimat "I am sure four years' experience in customer service with Qatar Airways will be of advantage." yang artinya "Saya yakin pengalaman empat tahun dalam layanan pelanggan dengan Qatar Airways akan bermanfaat." Berdasarkan kata kunci dari teks bacaan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pelamar tersebut pernah bekerja di Qatar Airways selama empat tahun. Jadi, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "C. Qatar Airways." Semoga membantu, happy learning!




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