Apriyani N

07 April 2024 07:35



Apriyani N

07 April 2024 07:35


Suatu atom mempunyai 2 isotop dengan massa masing-masing 90 dan 92. Jika Ar atom tersebut adalah 90,8, perbandingan kelimpahan kedua isotop terse but adalah ... . (A) 1 : 1 (D) 3 : 4 (B) 3 : 1 (E) 3 : 5 (C) 3 : 2



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Fungsi f(x) = x ^ 2 + 4x - 12 untuk x < - 2 dirotasi 270° searah jarum jam. Jika hasil peta dari fungsi tersebut adalah g(x), fungsi g(x) =..... A - 2 - sqrt(x - 4) B. - 2 + sqrt(x - 16) C. - 2 - sqrt(16 - x) D. - 2 + sqrt(x + 18) E. 2 + sqrt(x + 16)



Jawaban terverifikasi

Analyze the passage below and find the sentence with an INCORRECT grammatical structure! (1) The violin and viola look most similar to one another. (2) They both belong to the string instrument family, and they are both played with a bow under the chin as well, and they are both very hard to play. (3) These created confusion for a great number of people, not to mention that they have similar names too, resulting people to address either one of them with the wrong calling. (4) There are, however, a rather quick easy way to differentiate the two even if one has never learnt music, and that is by the size of the instrument. (5) The violin is always smaller than the viola. The incorrect section is number …. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5



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