Simon B

20 Desember 2021 09:23


Simon B

20 Desember 2021 09:23


On a summer day, the weather was very hot and everybody was thirsty. A lion and a pig came at the same time to a small well to drink. They were arguing which of them should drink first, and were soon fighting furiously. When they rested from their arguing, they saw some vultures in the distance. The birds were waiting for one of them to die so they could eat. The vultures were looking and anticipating eagerly. They were more than five vultures ready to grab any victims from the fight. Realizing the situation, the lion and the pig soon decided to stop the fighting. They didn’t even continue the quarrel and arguments. “Look at those vultures, they can’t wait to eat our bodies once we die. Let’s just stop fighting.” said the lion to the pig. “You’re right. It’s better for us to be friends than to be the food of those vultures. That will certainly happen if we get hurt or die.” replied the pig. 12. Why did the lion and the pig come to the well? Because … A. the lion and the pig wanted to drink B. the lion wanted to eat the pig C. the lion wanted to hunt the vultures D. the pig wanted to argue with the lion

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Jawaban terverifikasi


H. R.

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta

21 Desember 2021 05:51

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hai Haikal, kakak bantu jawab ya. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah “A. the lion and the pig wanted to drink." (Singa dan b a b i ingin minum.). Dalam soal ini kamu diminta untuk memilih jawaban yang tepat berdasarkan apa yang ada pada teks tersebut. Pertanyaannya, "Why did the lion and the pig come to the well? Because … " yang artinya "Mengapa singa dan b a b i datang ke sumur? Karena …" Jawaban dapat diperoleh dari kalimat "A lion and a pig came at the same time to a small well to drink." (Seekor singa dan b a b i datang bersamaan ke sumur kecil untuk minum.) Dari kutipan tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa singa dan b a b i datang ke sumur karena ingin minum. Oleh karena itu, jawaban yang benar adalah “A. the lion and the pig wanted to drink." (Singa dan b a b i ingin minum.). Semoga membantu ya.


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