Sapto H

18 Maret 2020 01:35



Sapto H

18 Maret 2020 01:35


my father is..... he grous his plants in the fienld



Jawaban terverifikasi



A. Dwianto

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

02 Januari 2022 05:47

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo Sapto H. Kakak bantu jawab, ya. :) Jawabannya adalah: My father is a farmer. He grows his plants in the field. atau My father is a gardener. He grows his plants in the field. Arti kalimat "My father is..... He grows his plants in the field." adalah "Ayahku adalah seorang ... Dia menumbuhkan tanamannya di ladang. Dalam kalimat tersebut tidak dijelaskan lebih rinci mengenai tanaman yang dimaksud. Seseorang yang pekerjaannya menumbuhkan tanaman adalah farmer (petani) atau gardener (tukang kebun). Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah: My father is a farmer. He grows his plants in the field. atau My father is a gardener. He grows his plants in the field. Hope it helps. Happy learning. :)




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TASK 10 Put the verb between brackets into the correct form ! 1. Azizah always _____ her clothes on sunday morning (wash) 2. We often ____ to the movie every weekend (go) 3. Father seldom ____ coffee in the morning (drink) 4. The womens always ____ their daily needs in the supermarket (buy) 5. My grandmother often ___ porridge for breakfast (have) 6. My mother usually ____ rice in the morning (cook) 7. The baby usually ___ when he is thirsty (cry) 8. The student always _____ to their teacher (listen) 9. Firmanda _____ in the workshop every day (work) 10. Mr. ahmad _____ in bandung (live) DIJAWAB YA TOLONG :) , SEBENARNYA AKU TAU TAPI ITU PAKAI VERB BERAPA? MOHON DIJAWAB SAMPAI 10 YA !



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