Nazwa Z

23 Mei 2024 01:55



Nazwa Z

23 Mei 2024 01:55


Mohon di bantuu !!

Mohon di bantuu !!






Azoura N

23 Mei 2024 16:06

<p>1. Who is [the most wasteful] person you have ever known?<br>2. What is [the most expensive] thing uou have ever purchased with your own money?<br>3. What is [the most popular] online transportation application used by the students on your class?<br>4. Is visiting an amusement park [more exciting] than visiting national park?<br>5. Which on is [more valuable], spending money on trending outfits ir spending money on fancy food?<br>6. Is online transportation [more complicated] than conventional transportation?<br>7. Which one is [cheaper], shopping online or offline?<br>8. Is depositing money through ATM [safer] than through a bank?<br>9. What is [the most important] tip for teenagers to have good money management?<br>10. What is [the most useful] social media for teenagers&nbsp;<br><br>maaf jika ada yg salah πŸ™</p>

1. Who is [the most wasteful] person you have ever known?
2. What is [the most expensive] thing uou have ever purchased with your own money?
3. What is [the most popular] online transportation application used by the students on your class?
4. Is visiting an amusement park [more exciting] than visiting national park?
5. Which on is [more valuable], spending money on trending outfits ir spending money on fancy food?
6. Is online transportation [more complicated] than conventional transportation?
7. Which one is [cheaper], shopping online or offline?
8. Is depositing money through ATM [safer] than through a bank?
9. What is [the most important] tip for teenagers to have good money management?
10. What is [the most useful] social media for teenagers 

maaf jika ada yg salah πŸ™



Olenna S

24 Mei 2024 20:35

<p>1. Who is the &nbsp;most wasteful person you have ever met?</p><p>2. What is the most expensive thing you have ever purchased with your own money?</p><p>3. What is the most popular online transportation application used by the students in your class?</p><p>4. Is visiting an amusement park more exciting than visiting a national park?</p><p>5. Which one is more valuable, spending money on trending outfits or spending money on fancy food?</p><p>6. Is online transportation more complicated than conventional transportation?</p><p>7. Which one is cheaper, shopping online or offline?</p><p>8. Is depositing money through ATM safer than through a bank teller?</p><p>9. What are the most important tips for teenagers to have good money management?</p><p>10. What is the most useful social media for teenagers?&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;</p><p>Saya bepergian ke Amerika untuk belajar bahasa Inggris, dan saya sangat yakin bahwa jawaban saya benar! Tapi aku minta maaf jika aku salah πŸ™</p>

1. Who is the  most wasteful person you have ever met?

2. What is the most expensive thing you have ever purchased with your own money?

3. What is the most popular online transportation application used by the students in your class?

4. Is visiting an amusement park more exciting than visiting a national park?

5. Which one is more valuable, spending money on trending outfits or spending money on fancy food?

6. Is online transportation more complicated than conventional transportation?

7. Which one is cheaper, shopping online or offline?

8. Is depositing money through ATM safer than through a bank teller?

9. What are the most important tips for teenagers to have good money management?

10. What is the most useful social media for teenagers? 

Saya bepergian ke Amerika untuk belajar bahasa Inggris, dan saya sangat yakin bahwa jawaban saya benar! Tapi aku minta maaf jika aku salah πŸ™

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