Tamiwin T

27 Januari 2022 03:33


Tamiwin T

27 Januari 2022 03:33


Many modern educational experts claim that teaching facts and academic skills is less important than achieving other social objectives. For some liberals, the schools must first change attitudes or provide nurturing in place of failed families or help establish equality and social justice. For some conservatives, the school must first prepare kids for the workplace by molding them into supple corporate citizens, while others want the focus to be on family values, a competitive spirit, or other social or behavioral objectives. But the idea of simply educating kids seems to have taken a backseat to most educational experts and administrators. They miss the point that kids with real academic skills, especially skills in reading, writing, and mathematics, are more likely to overcome social barriers, more likely to have genuine self esteem, and most likely to be genuinely prepared for the challenges of life and the workplace. By emphasizing so many things besides a genuine, classical education, tile educational establishment tends to soli our kids short and bring about many of the problems they claim to be solving. Consider the case of Wesley Elemontary School in Houston. According to Richard Nadlor in the article, "Failing Grade", Wesley has all the demographic markers of a school bound for failure. Over 80% of the students qualify for subsidized lunches, and nearly all are minorities (92% black, 7% Hispanic). Yet it ranks among the best schools of Houston, with first-graders placing at the 82nd percentile level in reading tests which is 50 points higher than the expected level for similar at-risk schools. What has made Wesley so successful? The answer is classical education in the form of Direct Instruction curriculum designed by Siegfried Engelmann, an example of the much ridiculed "sage-onthe-stage" approach. This Direct Instruction system boosts reading, writing, and math scores by 30 to 40 percentile points in at-risk schools. Sadly, Engelmann, like others who successfully challenge popular fads in educational reform, has been rejected by much of the educational establishment. His success is an embarrassment to them. Given the baseline score in reading is 23 percentile points, which of the following most likely reflects the maximum impact of Direct Instruction on the students learning achievement in Wesley Elementary School? A. 45 B. 53 C. 63 D. 85 E 95

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Jawaban terverifikasi


D. Nur

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang

01 Februari 2022 06:17

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo, Tamiwin. Kakak bantu jawab, ya. Jawaban yang benar untuk soal ini adalah C. 63. Soal ini menanyakan skor maksimal kemampuan membaca setelah mengikuti sistem pengajaran langsung (direct institution) jika skor awalnya adalah 23 persen. Untuk menjawab soalnya, perhatikan petunjuk pada soal, yaitu "direct institution". Jika dicocokkan dengan isi teks, petunjuk tersebut tertulis di kalimat 3 paragraf akhir berikut: "This Direct Instruction system boosts reading, writing, and math scores by 30 to 40 percentile points in at-risk schools" artinya "Pada sekolah-sekolah berisiko, sistem Pengajaran Langsung ini meningkatkan skor membaca, menulis, dan matematika sebesar 30 sampai 40 persen". Berdasarkan artinya, dapat diketahui bahwa skor kemampuan membaca siswa bisa meningkat maksimal sebesar 40 persen. Jika seorang siswa memiliki skor awal 23 persen, maka kemungkinan akan meningkat sebesar 40 persen menjadi 63 persen. Skor akhir 63 persen tertulis di pilihan C. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah C. 63.


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