Sasa S

20 Maret 2024 15:12



Sasa S

20 Maret 2024 15:12


Light is refracted like light passing through a glass prism. is this passive voice tense????

Light is refracted like light passing through a glass prism. is this passive voice tense????



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Kinara R

24 Maret 2024 08:27

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<p>passive voice tense memiliki rumus sebagai berikut</p><p>Subject+Auxiliary Verb+ Past Participle (Verb 3) + by + Object</p><p>Light (Subject)+ is (Aux verb)+ refracted like (V3)+ light passing through a glass prism (object)</p><p>semuanya terlengkapi kecuali "by" tetapi kata "by" tidak wajib ada di passive voice tense: Dari seluruh rumus kalimat pasif di atas, mungkin akan muncul pertanyaan di benakmu seperti ini, “Apakah passive voice harus menggunakan ‘by’?” Jawabannya adalah tidak wajib. Jadi, komponen ‘by + object’ dalam rumus hanya pelengkap ya.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>jadi kesimpulannya itu termasuk passive voice tense:D</p>

passive voice tense memiliki rumus sebagai berikut

Subject+Auxiliary Verb+ Past Participle (Verb 3) + by + Object

Light (Subject)+ is (Aux verb)+ refracted like (V3)+ light passing through a glass prism (object)

semuanya terlengkapi kecuali "by" tetapi kata "by" tidak wajib ada di passive voice tense: Dari seluruh rumus kalimat pasif di atas, mungkin akan muncul pertanyaan di benakmu seperti ini, “Apakah passive voice harus menggunakan ‘by’?” Jawabannya adalah tidak wajib. Jadi, komponen ‘by + object’ dalam rumus hanya pelengkap ya.


jadi kesimpulannya itu termasuk passive voice tense:D



Salsabila M


04 Mei 2024 01:55

<p>No, the sentence "Light is refracted like light passing through a glass prism." is not in the passive voice. It is in the active voice. In this sentence, "light" is the subject performing the action of "refracted." The comparison is made between the action of light being refracted and the action of light passing through a glass prism.</p>

No, the sentence "Light is refracted like light passing through a glass prism." is not in the passive voice. It is in the active voice. In this sentence, "light" is the subject performing the action of "refracted." The comparison is made between the action of light being refracted and the action of light passing through a glass prism.


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