Diandra D

23 Mei 2022 00:29


Diandra D

23 Mei 2022 00:29


Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. He was born in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of 14. Several years later, he spent one year in Mexico before attending Columbia University in New York. For a few years after that, he roamed the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry. He returned to the United States and attended Lincoln University, where he won the Witter Bynner Prize for undergraduate poetry. After graduating in 1928, he travelled to Spain and to Russia with the help of a Guggenheim fellowship. His novels include Not without Laughter (1930) and The Big Sea (1940). He wrote an autobiography in 1956 and also published several collections of poetry. The collections include The Weary Blues (1926), The Dream Keeper (1932), Shakespeare in Harlem (1942), Fields of Wonder (1947), One Way Ticket (1947), and Selected Poems (1959). A man of many talents, Hughes was also a lyricist, librettist, and a journalist. As an older man in the 1960s, he spent much of his time collecting poems from Africa and from African-Americans to popularize black writers. Hughes is one of the most accomplished writers in American literary history, and he is seen as one of the artistic leaders of the Harlem Renaissance, the period when a neighbourhood that was predominantly black produced a flood of great literature, music, and other art forms depicting daily city life for African-Americans. What is the main topic of this passage? A. The life of Langston Hughes B. The Harlem Renaissance C. African-American writers D. American twentieth-century writers

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A. Mursyidatul

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

28 Mei 2022 11:51

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Jawaban yang benar adalah ''A. The life of Langston Hughes''. Soal menanyakan isi dari teks tersebut Opsi jawaban: A. Kehidupan Langston Hughes. B. Renaisans Harlem. C. Penulis Afrika-Amerika. D. Penulis Amerika abad kedua puluh. Pada teksnya tertera ''Langston Hughes was one of the greatest American writers of the 20th century. He was born in Joplin, Missouri, and moved to Cleveland at the age of 14. Several years later, he spent one year in Mexico before attending Columbia University in New York. For a few years after that, he roamed the world as a seaman, visiting ports around the world and writing some poetry.'' (Langston Hughes adalah salah satu penulis Amerika terbesar abad ke-20. Ia lahir di Joplin, Missouri, dan pindah ke Cleveland pada usia 14 tahun. Beberapa tahun kemudian, ia menghabiskan satu tahun di Meksiko sebelum kuliah di Universitas Columbia di New York. Selama beberapa tahun setelah itu, ia menjelajahi dunia sebagai pelaut, mengunjungi pelabuhan di seluruh dunia dan menulis beberapa puisi.) Dapat disimpulkan bahwa teksnya membahas tentang kehidupan Langston Hughes. Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah ''A. The life of Langston Hughes''.


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