Hazmi D

17 Maret 2020 04:48



Hazmi D

17 Maret 2020 04:48


How to Recycle Old Paper Old paper like newspaper and exercise paper is not always useless. It can (recycle) it means that paper can (turn) into new paper as paper (be, not) always (make) of paper. Waste paper is useful. Yet, how is it of wood; it can also (make) done? First, waste paper (collect) from everywhere. Then, it (sort) into different groups. Of course, some of the paper (can, not, recycle) so it (remove) is taken to the mills. Then, the paper (clean) The rest of paper which (can, be, produce) by using clean water. Then, it (put) in the paper making machine. In this step, the paper (look) until it (turn) to become pulp. That is the final step. After a few minutes, the new paper is ready. Isn't it amazing? Even the paper has the same quality. Technology can make everything easy. By recycling the old paper, we can save our forest and keep our environment clean.





Juliandana A

04 April 2020 20:26

ini soal apa cerita dewasa



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Olivia: Hello, Lia! Can you help me? I'm on my way to Jane's house, but I think I'm lost. You know her house, right? Lia: Oh, sure. Where are you now? Olivia: I'm on JI. Merdeka. Lia: If you go straight to the west, you'll see a post office on the right side. Then you have to turn right. Go straight until you find a pet shop. Jane's house is across the pet shop. Olivia: Thank you, Lia. Lia: No problem. I actually want to go there, too. But I have to wash my clothes first. Olivia: Oh, really? I'll stay a little longer if you go there, too. Lia: Okay. See you later, Olivia! Olivia: See you! 3. What can you infer from the dialogue above?



Jawaban terverifikasi

Change these sentences into indirect speech. 16.it is time to go away. 17.the woman comes. 18.london is a great city. 19.you may leave us now. 20.where are you going. 21.why do you stop here. 22. Go away at once. 23.don't retreat. 24.God bless you my dear son. 25.did you eat my cake. 26. Who is the winner. 27.will l receive the packet tomorrow. 28.l have to return the book two days ago. 29.do you have a little time. 30.have you heard the news.



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