Junna J

13 Maret 2024 14:09



Junna J

13 Maret 2024 14:09


Flashback story: He was born to his twin brother, Unlike his brother, his brother given more chances, until that did receive enough some blessing before they become teenager from his late mom. Up to reffered him a "familiar boy" in time from behind him He is a very obedient boy, sometimes too fond of his siblings. He feels what he is experiencing is the same thing. he can sometimes know and can believe at all. Because his birthday and his twin brother birthday is February 4, 2005. Which one when they were born? A. April, 1 2003 B. February, 4 2005

Flashback story:


He was born to his twin brother, Unlike his brother, his brother given more chances, until that did receive enough some blessing before they become teenager from his late mom. 


Up to reffered him a "familiar boy" in time from behind him He is a very obedient boy, sometimes too fond of his siblings. 


He feels what he is experiencing is the same thing. he can sometimes know and can believe at all. Because his birthday and his twin brother birthday is February 4, 2005. 


Which one when they were born? 

A. April, 1 2003

B. February, 4 2005 



Jawaban terverifikasi



Kalila R

14 Maret 2024 06:48

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Karna ulang tahun nya February, 4, 2005</p><p>Jadi lahirnya juga February, 4, 2005</p>


Karna ulang tahun nya February, 4, 2005

Jadi lahirnya juga February, 4, 2005



Astrophile A

18 Maret 2024 02:50

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Jawaban yang tepat adalah: B. February, 4 2005&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Jawaban diperoleh dari:<br>"Because his birthday and his twin brother birthday is February 4, 2005."&nbsp;</p>

Jawaban yang tepat adalah: B. February, 4 2005 


Jawaban diperoleh dari:
"Because his birthday and his twin brother birthday is February 4, 2005." 


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Dialogue qoutes: April 23rd 2022 (3 days after being taken to the hospital) 17.20 pm. " Mr Harper, can you explain why did you come here today now? " " I want to tell something that my son didn't experience any broken bones in his body because I've already returned from out of town.... Actually, my son got a fragment injury on his face and forehead and also his wrist is a bit bleed here. " " So what happened next? " " After being taken to the hospital, he was declared to be severely injured but not brain dead if only I want to tell my son and all of them.... Can you bring my son back to life and make him speak again? " " Of course I can, the possibility of the results of your son's examination is that he did not suffer a broken bone in his leg and his body about that.... Your son is just in a coma and we will inform them to stay calm, me and the entire hospital team will save your son immediately. " " Thank you doctor, I will inform my teenage children now and I will meet you again. " " Yeah. You are welcome, Mr Harper. " What time that he meet the doctor about his son? A. 17. 20 pm B. 08.40 am



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