Safa S

02 Maret 2024 11:34

Safa S

02 Maret 2024 11:34


Each of the sentences has a mistake. Rewrite the sentence with a correct answer! 1. Dema find a homeless cat yesterday on the way home from school. 2. Narnia feels bored today during the English class.

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Hanna R

06 Maret 2024 14:18

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Dema <strong>found</strong> a homeless cat yesterday on the way home from school. (Change "find" to "found" because the action of finding the cat happened in the past.)</p><p>Narnia <strong>feels</strong> bored <strong>today</strong> during English class. (The sentence is already grammatically correct. However, I added "today" for clarity since it is the present day based on our conversation.)</p>

Dema found a homeless cat yesterday on the way home from school. (Change "find" to "found" because the action of finding the cat happened in the past.)

Narnia feels bored today during English class. (The sentence is already grammatically correct. However, I added "today" for clarity since it is the present day based on our conversation.)

Safa S

06 Maret 2024 14:27


Raisha M

03 Maret 2024 14:03

<p>1. Dema found a homeless cat yesterday on the way home from school.</p><p>2. Narnia feeling bored during the English class.</p>

1. Dema found a homeless cat yesterday on the way home from school.

2. Narnia feeling bored during the English class.

Safa S

03 Maret 2024 14:16


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MOHON DIJAWAB SECEPATNYA, TERIMAKASIH (text activity 6) When I was a seventh grader, I had an interest in dancing. At that time, I was a new student. All students in the seventh grade were required to participate in at least two extracurricular activities at school. Because I love English, I joined the English Club. However, I was confused about what other activities I would participate in. "Hi, Lala. Have you decided which extracurricular activities you will participate in?" asked Reza, my classmate. I was filling out the extracurricular registration form sheet when he asked. "I have chosen the English club, but I am still confused about the other activity," I replied. "The school has a lot of interesting/extracurricular activities. You have to choose one of them," Reza said. "You are right. But I'm still confused," I stared at the extracurricular registration form sheet. There were still a few hours before this sheet was collected. "I Think, you should choose activities that really match your passion. I've heard that you like to watch traditional dance performances. Why don't you just join the dance club?" Reza gave his opinion. I thought for a while: It may be true what Reza said. The dancing club is not bad. I always wanted to learn to dance a long time ago, but there was no chance. Maybe it was time for me to learn to dance. I smiled at Reza, and then said, "Thank you, Reza. Now I know which club I will choose." From then on, I confessed to the dancing club. I practiced dance seriously. I have mastered several types of dances, both traditional and contemporary dance. --PERTANYAAN---- A 1. What is the story about? B Rewrite Lala's story in Activity 6 in the table below! 1. Orientation= a. characters:............... b. Setting:............... 2. Complication: a. Conflict:............ b. Climax:.............. 3. Resolution:.................



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NO. 25 The internet has generated many changes in our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet also has changed the way we buy things. In today's online shopping is growing rapidly. It has become a new culture in every country. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores. In the other hand, online shoppers should be careful in choosing products. Sometimes, you do not get what you need. Another big problem is the quality of the things can be less than similar items in real stores.That's the reason why online shoppers must thoroughly check products offered. โ€œ... must thoroughly check products offered.โ€ What does the underlined word mean? A.Tightly B.Carelessly C.Extremely D.Accurately E.Completely NO. 26 The internet has generated many changes in our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet also has changed the way we buy things. In today's online shopping is growing rapidly. It has become a new culture in every country. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores. In the other hand, online shoppers should be careful in choosing products. Sometimes, you do not get what you need. Another big problem is the quality of the things can be less than similar items in real stores.That's the reason why online shoppers must thoroughly check products offered. What is one of the good sides of online shopping?The internet has generated many changes in our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet also has changed the way we buy things. In today's online shopping is growing rapidly. It has become a new culture in every country. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores. In the other hand, online shoppers should be careful in choosing products. Sometimes, you do not get what you need. Another big problem is the quality of the things can be less than similar items in real stores.That's the reason why online shoppers must thoroughly check products offered. What is one of the good sides of online shopping? A.The merchanises are less expensive than those in ordinary stores B.Buyers can get the unwanted products C.Buyers are quicker to get the goods D.Buyers get products in less quality E.Buyers should be online NO. 27 The internet has generated many changes in our lives. It has changed the way we communicate and access information. The internet also has changed the way we buy things. In today's online shopping is growing rapidly. It has become a new culture in every country. Buying things online is very easy. The only thing to do is to go to a certain website, which sells the product you need. The search engine on the web also enables us to find things fast with various choices. After the product is chosen and the payment is made, the online shopper should only wait for three to five days until the thing purchased comes to his/her door. Another good advantage of online shopping is that things may be cheaper than in real stores. In the other hand, online shoppers should be careful in choosing products. Sometimes, you do not get what you need. Another big problem is the quality of the things can be less than similar items in real stores.That's the reason why online shoppers must thoroughly check products offered. From the text, we may infer that .... A.The writer prefers to do online shopping B.Despite its advantages, online shopping may bring disadvantages C.The plus sides exceed the minus sides of online shopping D.Online shopping become a new culture in civilized countries E.It takes three to five days to choose a product online NO. 28 Andi rides a motorcycle on the road without wearing a helmet. The suitable suggestion is .... A.Andi should ride a motorcycle well B.Andi should not wear a helmet C.Andi should wear a helmet D.Andi should wear a jacket E.Andi should not ride a motorcycle NO. 29 Mrs. Tami forgets to bring an umbrella because today is rainy season. She should ... an umbrella in the bag A.Take B.Throw C.Cut D.Put E.Borrow



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Text 1 is for questions 1 to 7 Advertisements There are many reasons for both sides of the question, "Should we have printed advertisement'?" Many people have strong views and feel that ads are nothing more than useless junk mail, while other people feel it is important source information. There are some reasons why we should have advertisement in newspaper and magazines. One reason is ads give us information about what is available. Looking at ads we can find out what is on sale and what is new in the market. This is an easy way of shopping. Another reason is that advertisement promotes business. When shop owners compete against each other the buyer saves money, more people come to their shops and they sell more goods. On the other hand, some people argue that ads should not be put in newspapers and magazines for these various reasons. Firstly, ads cost the shopkeepers a lot of money to print onto paper. Also some people don't like finding junk mail in their letter boxes. Ads also influence people to buy items they don't need and can't really afford. Ads use up a lot of space and a lot of effort has to be made the ads eye-catching. After looking at both sides of issue, I think we should not have advertisements because they cost a lot of money and take up a lot of room in the papers. I don't think I find some of them interesting. I mainly disagree because it's junk mail. 7. What is the last paragraph called? A. Issue B. Orientation C. Argument D. Preview E. Conclusion



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