Junna J

28 Februari 2024 12:14



Junna J

28 Februari 2024 12:14


Day 3: Unexpected thing " Since he meet me in the park. He said he was the class leader from the middle school. This makes me very scared He says he is the one as a revolutionary. I want to meet my siblings on purpose I don't feel at peace with my life Without realizing it, I suddenly met everyone, especially my brother. He is too friendly and very gentle towards me until he joins every day to create vlog content to increase my thousands subscriber until million of subscriber. He is an older brother who lost his family along with my older sister who lived by foster parents. It's just that it's just a normal thing that's just really good behavior. " who do they live with anyone? A. Foster parents B. Grandparents

Day 3: Unexpected thing



" Since he meet me in the park. He said he was the class leader from the middle school. This makes me very scared He says he is the one as a revolutionary. 


I want to meet my siblings on purpose I don't feel at peace with my life Without realizing it, I suddenly met everyone, especially my brother. 


He is too friendly and very gentle towards me until he joins every day to create vlog content to increase my thousands subscriber until million of subscriber. 


He is an older brother who lost his family along with my older sister who lived by foster parents. 


It's just that it's just a normal thing that's just really good behavior. " 



who do they live with anyone?

A. Foster parents

B. Grandparents 




Jawaban terverifikasi



Yuni H

28 Februari 2024 13:03

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Based on the provided text, it is mentioned that the narrator's older brother and older sister, including the narrator, lost their family and currently live with foster parents. The relevant sentence is, <strong>"He is an older brother who lost his family along with my older sister who lived by foster parents."</strong> This indicates that the siblings are living with foster parents after the loss of their original family.</p><p>Therefore, the correct answer is:</p><p><strong>A. Foster parents</strong></p>

Based on the provided text, it is mentioned that the narrator's older brother and older sister, including the narrator, lost their family and currently live with foster parents. The relevant sentence is, "He is an older brother who lost his family along with my older sister who lived by foster parents." This indicates that the siblings are living with foster parents after the loss of their original family.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. Foster parents



Quinsha A

28 Februari 2024 14:11

<p>A. Foster parents</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

A. Foster parents



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Days ago before happened Addison was raised by Zayden after Addison graduated from junior high school in 2015. In July 2016 Addison allowed her as a extraordinary educated after she graduate. She became a senior student from a high school she became a 10th grade high school. Some faculty also realized about her life she met someone else who loved her. Her experience at school is not too poor and she was met with her 2 bullies due to the planned unpleasant event. The two girls want to reprimand her for Addison's good person. After hearing all their reprimands, Addison did not scold them but was upset for being reprimanded for rough actions. But the 2 girls admitted their mistake and apologized for reprimanding her carelessly until one day Addison and all of Addison's friends reported the 2 girls who reprimanded her to the guidance counselor. finally the two girls decided to move schools and in another place Addison met her friend, a girl named Shannon Harper At first, the girl's friend was not tense, humble, cheerful, and friendly, sometimes she was just loved by Harper's siblings from the future's life. She started accept with the friendship period before she graduate from high school before May 2019. What year did Addison become a high school student? A. 2016 B. 2019



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