Junna J

28 Februari 2024 09:39



Junna J

28 Februari 2024 09:39


Day 1: Search for the truth " This is my story. A year ago I graduated from high school and I became a pop singer since 2020. I can sing and dance along with my close friend Alice. New life than can be happy but I feel lonely... I feel sadness whatever curiosity. So they are 4 boys are here. I felt like I didn't understand what they were saying. I hope they meet me I have to find out about The real truth. Because when I saw someone fall, but there are also those who say often experience difficulties in life. They clearly have no doubt. There are also the boys who have met me like them. everything has to be determined based on just not hurting me. " Who is her close friend name? A. Nancy B. Alice

Day 1: Search for the truth



" This is my story. A year ago I graduated from high school and I became a pop singer since 2020. I can sing and dance along with my close friend Alice. New life than can be happy but I feel lonely... 



I feel sadness whatever curiosity. So they are 4 boys are here. I felt like I didn't understand what they were saying. I hope they meet me I have to find out about The real truth. 



Because when I saw someone fall, but there are also those who say often experience difficulties in life. They clearly have no doubt. There are also the boys who have met me like them. everything has to be determined based on just not hurting me. " 



Who is her close friend name? 

A. Nancy

B. Alice 



Jawaban terverifikasi



Raraaa R

28 Februari 2024 11:27

Jawaban terverifikasi

B. Alice



Astrophile A

29 Februari 2024 09:44

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Jawaban yang tepat adalah: B. Alice&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Jawaban diperoleh dari:<br>"I can sing and dance along with my close friend Alice."</p>

Jawaban yang tepat adalah: B. Alice 


Jawaban diperoleh dari:
"I can sing and dance along with my close friend Alice."


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It's been almost 4 months since he admitted to the hospital due to fainting, injured in a hit-and-run and experiencing a coma. It appears that there is a good samaritan or a fans coming here to support and can write down their childhood memories... That the strange happened from that day. Then, the fraternal teenagers Kai and Noelle search for the Harper family decided to stayed at the hospital and take care of all three of them for a teenage girl who was not alone then her 15-year-old brother and her second 17-year-old brother lying down because of the accident at 18. 50 (which is near night) Kai was tell him about everything. While noelle tried to answer something However, unfortunately it happened, as she saw a message said " It seems like all of your siblings have liked your song since you started liking pop music, jazz music, and orchestral music if I'm not mistaken. " As she see. She will can understand before her brother regained consciousness at the end of July 2022. What time do Kai and Noelle stay overnight in the hospital? A. 18. 50 B. 21. 15



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