Talitha S

03 Maret 2020 10:09



Talitha S

03 Maret 2020 10:09


contoh dari spoof text





Shafira S

17 Maret 2020 15:55

"*Time to go to school*" In the early morning, there was a mother who tried to wake her son up. “Wake up, son. It’s time for you to go to school” “Why should I? I don’t want to go!” replied her son. “Give me some reasons why you don’t want to go,” she said. “Well, most of the teachers hate me so much, and then the kids there hate me too.” “That can’t be a reason. Come grab your uniform and go.” “Okay, give me some reasons why I should go to school.” “First, you’re 48 years old. And second, you’re the Headmaster!” Translete: "*Waktunya Pergi ke Sekolah*" Suatu pagi, ada seorang ibu yang mencoba membangunkan putranya. “Bangun,nak. Saatnya kamu pergi ke sekolah ” “Mengapa harus? Aku tidak mau berangkat!” “Beri aku alasan kenapa kamu tidak mau berangkat?” “Sebagian besar guru amat membenciku, dan anak-anak di sana membenciku juga.” “Itu tidak bisa jadi alasan. Ayo ambil seragammu dan pergi ke sekolah. ” “Oke, beri aku alasan mengapa aku harus datang ke sekolah.” “Pertama, usiamu 48 tahun. Dan kedua, kamu adalah Kepala Sekolah!”



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Cobain Drill Soal

Perdalam pemahamanmu bersama Master Teacher
di sesi Live Teaching, GRATIS!

Pertanyaan serupa

1. They were bored becAuse there was....to do 2. I have..... money but more time than I did ten years ago 3. I waited for... minutes and then tried to call him agsin 4. We have very... chance of reaching London before lunchtime. Its still another 100 miles away 5. There were too many applicants for too.... jobs 6. There wouldn't be so many accident if there was... trafic on the roads. 7. We have to speed up - there is very .... time to finish the project. The deadline is next friday 8. There were... people than usual in the supermarket 9. Unfortunately he has... money to live on, as his salary is quite low 10. We invited.... friends over to our house for a barbeque



Lihat jawaban (1)

most of people at pelangi store... the goods they bought by credit



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