Reza A

10 September 2024 01:00


Reza A

10 September 2024 01:00


cocok kan

cocok kan



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Jawaban terverifikasi


Aqila Z

10 September 2024 03:50

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>semoga bantu</p>

semoga bantu


Reza A

11 September 2024 11:36

thanks ya,udh kelar jga ko


Rendi R


Dijawab 7 hari yang lalu

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>Berikut adalah jawaban yang cocok untuk mencocokkan kata di Kolom A dengan definisi di Kolom B:</p><ol><li><strong>District (Noun)</strong> → <strong>f.</strong> A type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government.</li><li><strong>Limitation (Noun)</strong> → <strong>d.</strong> The quality or state of being limited or restraint.</li><li><strong>Ditch (Noun)</strong> → <strong>e.</strong> A narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage alongside a road or the edge of a field.</li><li><strong>Hydropower (Noun)</strong> → <strong>g.</strong> Renewable source of energy that generates power by using a dam or diversion structure to alter the natural flow of a river or other body of water.</li><li><strong>Electricity (Noun)</strong> → <strong>a.</strong> A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) either statistically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.</li><li><strong>Tarpaulin (Noun)</strong> → <strong>b.</strong> Heavy-duty waterproof cloth, originally of tarred canvas.</li><li><strong>Fist (Noun)</strong> → <strong>c.</strong> A person’s hand when the fingers are bent in toward the palm and held there tightly.</li></ol><p>Semoga membantu!</p>

Berikut adalah jawaban yang cocok untuk mencocokkan kata di Kolom A dengan definisi di Kolom B:

  1. District (Noun)f. A type of administrative division that, in some countries, is managed by the local government.
  2. Limitation (Noun)d. The quality or state of being limited or restraint.
  3. Ditch (Noun)e. A narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage alongside a road or the edge of a field.
  4. Hydropower (Noun)g. Renewable source of energy that generates power by using a dam or diversion structure to alter the natural flow of a river or other body of water.
  5. Electricity (Noun)a. A form of energy resulting from the existence of charged particles (such as electrons or protons) either statistically as an accumulation of charge or dynamically as a current.
  6. Tarpaulin (Noun)b. Heavy-duty waterproof cloth, originally of tarred canvas.
  7. Fist (Noun)c. A person’s hand when the fingers are bent in toward the palm and held there tightly.

Semoga membantu!

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