Lala S

07 Januari 2022 21:44



Lala S

07 Januari 2022 21:44


Cheetahs Cheetahs are members of the cat family and are the world's fastest land animals. They inhabit open grasslands and scrub in Africa., southern Asia and the Middle East. Cheetahs " are often mistaken for leopards because they have many similar features. Their distinguishing marks are the long, teardrop-shaped lines on each side of the nose from the corner of the eyes to the mouth. The animals have muscular and powerful. bodies which are aerodynamically perfect for short, fast runs. Their bendy backs keep the ·body flexible as they sprint. They can accelerate from stanaing to 40 mph in three strides and to a full speed of 70 mph within seconds. Cheetahs' feet are like running shoes and have grips and spikes to dig into the ground. The grips are special ridges on the animals' footpads and the claws act as spikes. These claws stay out all the time. This is different from other cats, whose claws tuck away in special sheaths in their paws. Cheetahs are carnivores and eat gazelle and small antelope. A long tail helps the cheetah keeps its balance as it swerves after its prey, using large eyes that point forward to judge distances accurately. Once the cheetah has pounced, the victim is gripped by the throat to stop it breathing. However, the cheetah has weak jaws and small teeth and cannot always protect its kills or its young, especially if tired out after a run. Female cheetahs give birth to an average of three young that they rear by themselves. Once fully grown, the animals usually live alone, though males sometimes form small groups. Most cheetahs live about twelve years. Cheetahs are now endangered species and many conservationists are trying to help protect the habitats of these interesting creatures. Answer the questions based on the text. Why are conservationists Concerned about cheetahs' habitats? ·



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S. Samsinar

Mahasiswa/Alumni Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Pangkep

08 Januari 2022 12:48

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hi, Lala. Kakak bantu jawab ya. Jawaban yang tepat untuk soal ini adalah "Because Cheetahs are now endangered species" (Karena Cheetah sekarang adalah spesies yang terancam punah). Soal meminta kamu untuk menjawab pertanyaan "Why are conservationists Concerned about cheetahs' habitats?" (Mengapa para konservasionis Peduli dengan habitat cheetah?). Untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, kamu perlu melakukan teknik membaca scanning yaitu mencari informasi pada teks yang relevan dengan pertanyaan. Pada teks tersebut, informasi yang relevan dengan pertanyaan dapat ditemukan pada paragraf terakhir, tepatnya pada kalimat keempat yaitu "Cheetahs are now endangered species and many conservationists are trying to help protect the habitats of these interesting creatures" (Cheetah sekarang adalah spesies yang terancam punah dan banyak konservasionis mencoba membantu melindungi habitat makhluk menarik ini). Dari kalimat tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa para konservasionis peduli dengan habitat Cheetah karena Cheetah merupakan spesies yang terancam punah. Dengan demikian, jawaban yang tepat adalah "Because Cheetahs are now endangered species" (Karena Cheetah sekarang adalah spesies yang terancam punah). Semoga membantu ya :)




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