Fia A

21 Maret 2020 07:50



Fia A

21 Maret 2020 07:50


change the following sentences into the correct from 1.Anita and sonia go to school by bus (-) (?)



Jawaban terverifikasi



V. Valerie

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Pelita Harapan

02 Januari 2022 17:27

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo Fia, kakak bantu jawab ya... Soal diatas meminta kita untuk membuat kalimat negatif dan interogatif dari kalimat yang diberikan. Kalimatnya: Anita and Sonia go to school by bus. Ini ditulis dalam Present Tense karena terdapat kata 'go' dalam verb 1. Rumus Simple Present Tense adalah: (+) Subject + verb 1(s/es) + object (-) Subject + do/ does + not + verb 1 + object (?) Do/Does + subject + verb 1 + ? Contoh kalimat: (+) Anita and Sonia go to school by bus. (-) Anita and Sonia do not go to school by bus. (?) Do Anita and Sonia go to school by bus? Semoga membantu, selamat belajar!



Ribka P

21 Maret 2020 11:38

- Anita and Sonia don't go to school by bus. ? Do Anita and Sonia go to school by bus?


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Pertanyaan serupa

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