Fanny A

01 September 2020 03:51



Fanny A

01 September 2020 03:51


buatlah percakapan (conversation) yg didalamnya terdapat kata 'should' minimal 3x muncul dalam percakapan.



Jawaban terverifikasi



Maulida R

03 September 2020 05:08

Jawaban terverifikasi

Fabio: Hi, dude, what happened to you? Shoji: It's fine, I just lost my phone. Fabio:What ??? are you sure you lost it there ? Shoji: Yeah, positive. What should I do? Fabio: Well, you should report to the school. Shoji: I did. Fabio: Oh, OK, then you should contact Apple Store to block your number and track it down. Shoji: Okay, but is it really possible for it now? Fabio: Yes, oh another one, you shouldn't be doing nothing now. Do it now then, hopefully they can get your phone back. Shoji: Thanks man




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Pertanyaan serupa

1. They were bored becAuse there do 2. I have..... money but more time than I did ten years ago 3. I waited for... minutes and then tried to call him agsin 4. We have very... chance of reaching London before lunchtime. Its still another 100 miles away 5. There were too many applicants for too.... jobs 6. There wouldn't be so many accident if there was... trafic on the roads. 7. We have to speed up - there is very .... time to finish the project. The deadline is next friday 8. There were... people than usual in the supermarket 9. Unfortunately he has... money to live on, as his salary is quite low 10. We invited.... friends over to our house for a barbeque



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