Anonim A

22 Agustus 2023 07:19



Anonim A

22 Agustus 2023 07:19


Buatlah dialog percakapan 4 orang, setiap orang harus bicara maksimal 5 kali Tema nya apa saja





Raden R

22 Agustus 2023 11:39

<p>Theme: Birthday Party Preparation</p><p>Person A: Hey, who's ready for the birthday party tomorrow?&nbsp;</p><p>Person B: I've already prepared some decorations for the room.</p><p>&nbsp;Person C: I'll bring the birthday cake and some snacks.&nbsp;</p><p>Person D: Great. I'll take care of the guest list and the games.&nbsp;</p><p>Person A: Don't forget to prepare some fun music as well.</p><p>&nbsp;Person B: Of course, I have a playlist that suits the party atmosphere.</p><p>&nbsp;Person C: Is there a costume theme for the party?&nbsp;</p><p>Person D: I think a "retro" theme would be a good choice.&nbsp;</p><p>Person A: Everything sounds perfect! We just need to make sure everything goes smoothly tomorrow.&nbsp;</p><p>Person B: I'll come early to set up the decorations and music.</p><p>&nbsp;Person C: I'll bring the cake early and help with the final preparations.&nbsp;</p><p>Person D: I'll make sure the games are fun and entertaining. Let's make this party unforgettable</p>

Theme: Birthday Party Preparation

Person A: Hey, who's ready for the birthday party tomorrow? 

Person B: I've already prepared some decorations for the room.

 Person C: I'll bring the birthday cake and some snacks. 

Person D: Great. I'll take care of the guest list and the games. 

Person A: Don't forget to prepare some fun music as well.

 Person B: Of course, I have a playlist that suits the party atmosphere.

 Person C: Is there a costume theme for the party? 

Person D: I think a "retro" theme would be a good choice. 

Person A: Everything sounds perfect! We just need to make sure everything goes smoothly tomorrow. 

Person B: I'll come early to set up the decorations and music.

 Person C: I'll bring the cake early and help with the final preparations. 

Person D: I'll make sure the games are fun and entertaining. Let's make this party unforgettable

Zahira T

22 Agustus 2023 13:33

Kak setiap person harus bicara 5 kali



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