Adista B

02 Oktober 2023 15:53


Adista B

02 Oktober 2023 15:53


Buatlah describtive text tentang benda berdasarkan struktur 1). Identification 2). Description

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Meikarlina S


03 Oktober 2023 01:03

<p>tentang benda berdasarkan struktur:</p><p>Pulpen</p><p>Identification:<br>Pulpen adalah alat tulis yang sangat populer dan sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pulpen terdiri dari beberapa bagian, seperti badan, penutup, ujung, dan tinta.</p><p>Description:<br>Badan pulpen biasanya terbuat dari plastik atau logam, dan memiliki ukuran yang bervariasi tergantung pada jenis dan mereknya. Penutup pulpen berfungsi untuk melindungi ujung pulpen dan menghindari tinta dari kering. Ujung pulpen dapat berbentuk bulat atau runcing, tergantung pada jenis dan kegunaannya. Tinta pulpen tersedia dalam berbagai warna, seperti hitam, biru, merah, hijau, dan lain sebagainya.</p><p>Pulpen sangat mudah digunakan dan nyaman digenggam. Untuk menggunakannya, kita hanya perlu membuka penutupnya dan menekan ujungnya pada kertas. Tinta pulpen akan keluar dari ujung dan membentuk tulisan atau gambar pada kertas.</p><p>Pulpen sangat berguna untuk menulis, menggambar, atau membuat catatan. Pulpen juga dapat digunakan untuk menandai dokumen atau membuat tanda pada peta. Karena kemudahan penggunaannya, pulpen menjadi salah satu alat tulis yang paling populer dan sering digunakan oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia.</p>

tentang benda berdasarkan struktur:


Pulpen adalah alat tulis yang sangat populer dan sering digunakan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Pulpen terdiri dari beberapa bagian, seperti badan, penutup, ujung, dan tinta.

Badan pulpen biasanya terbuat dari plastik atau logam, dan memiliki ukuran yang bervariasi tergantung pada jenis dan mereknya. Penutup pulpen berfungsi untuk melindungi ujung pulpen dan menghindari tinta dari kering. Ujung pulpen dapat berbentuk bulat atau runcing, tergantung pada jenis dan kegunaannya. Tinta pulpen tersedia dalam berbagai warna, seperti hitam, biru, merah, hijau, dan lain sebagainya.

Pulpen sangat mudah digunakan dan nyaman digenggam. Untuk menggunakannya, kita hanya perlu membuka penutupnya dan menekan ujungnya pada kertas. Tinta pulpen akan keluar dari ujung dan membentuk tulisan atau gambar pada kertas.

Pulpen sangat berguna untuk menulis, menggambar, atau membuat catatan. Pulpen juga dapat digunakan untuk menandai dokumen atau membuat tanda pada peta. Karena kemudahan penggunaannya, pulpen menjadi salah satu alat tulis yang paling populer dan sering digunakan oleh orang-orang di seluruh dunia.


Muhammad K

03 Oktober 2023 06:35

1. Identification: A book is a common and essential item found in households, libraries, and bookstores worldwide. It is a source of knowledge, entertainment, and a means of storytelling through written words. Books come in various forms, including hardcover, paperback, and digital e-books. 2. Description: A book typically consists of a cover, spine, pages, and content. The cover is the protective outer layer, often made of cardboard or paper, and it features the book's title, author's name, and sometimes an enticing image or illustration. The spine is the narrow part of the book that binds all the pages together and displays the title and author's name when the book is placed on a shelf. The pages of a book are where the content resides. They are usually made of paper, but e-books use digital screens. Inside, you'll find printed text, illustrations, or images, depending on the book's purpose. The text may be divided into chapters, sections, or paragraphs, depending on the book's structure. Books serve various purposes, including fiction for storytelling, non-fiction for providing information, reference books for research, and textbooks for education. They cover a vast range of topics, from classic literature to science, history, and self-help. The content of a book can be informative, inspiring, or purely for entertainment. Books have been a crucial part of human culture for centuries. They are a window to the world, enabling readers to explore different perspectives, cultures, and ideas. Whether holding a printed book or reading from a digital device, the experience of immersing oneself in the pages of a book is a timeless and enriching endeavor.

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Activity 1: Reading Descriptive Text Read the following text carefully! The Jakarta History Museum (Museum Sejarah Jakarta), also known as Fatahillah Museum or Batavia Museum is located in the Old Town of Jakarta, Jakarta History Museum opened in 1974, diaplays objects from the prehistory period of the city region, the founding of Jayakarta in 1527 and through the Dutch colonization period from the 16 century until Indonesia's independence in 1945. The museum is located in south side of Fatahillah Square (former Batavia City square) new Wayang Museum and Fine Art and Ceramic Museum The building was built in 1970 as the city hall of Batavia This building was the administrative headquarters of the Dutch East India Company and lator of the Dutch Colonial Government. The current building was constructed in 1707 by the city government, replacing the former city hall built In 1672 The building contains 37 omate rooms. There are also some cells located beneath the front portico which were used as dungeons, A Javanese freedom fighter, Prince Diponegoro, was mprisoned here in 1830 before being banished to Makassar This building is located in front of a public square, which in the past was known as Stadhuisploin the City Hall Square. The square is now known as Fatahillah Square, in the center of the square is a fountain which was used as a water supply during the colonial era. Also located In the square is a Portuguese cannon known as Si Jagure Cannon). The square was also used as the place of executions In 1970, the Fatahillah Square was declared a cultural heritage. This effort was the beginning of the development of the historical area of the city of Jakarta, carried out by the Government of DKI Jakarta. The Jakarta History Museum was inaugurated on March 30, 1974 as the center for collection conservation and research for all kinds of object of cultural heritage related to the history of the city of Jakarta This museum is the one of the most visited museums in Jakarta. Visiting the historical building, you will really have an imagination of Jakarta in the colonial era Takan rotor wieder war hostory Museum Nilal Activity 2: Discussing Based on the text, discuss some questions below with your partner! 2. What is the genre of the text?



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