Heppy S

11 Januari 2020 12:43



Heppy S

11 Januari 2020 12:43


bagaimana menduplikasikan setiap kata kata dan tata bahasa supaya bisa lancar dalam berbahasa inggris?





Alvito A

13 Januari 2020 14:51

biasakan membaca cepat mungkin.. dan mendengar perkataan bahasa Inggris dari orang yg lebih paham,, bisa juga dengan liat film



Parniatun P

14 Januari 2020 13:15

biasakan apa yg kamu sukai. misalnya kamu suka musik inggris sambil liat liriknya, itu juga dapat membantu dalam memperlancar berbahasa inggris

Riky R

18 Januari 2020 15:03

always practice it EVERY DAY! Bisa dengan kamu latihan dangan cara ngomong/ngejelasin suatu hal di depan cermin sambil liatin muka kamu untuk hal yg kamu mau omongin yg simple² dulu aja biar kamu mulai terbiasa speaking in english:)

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Pertanyaan serupa

Olivia: Hello, Lia! Can you help me? I'm on my way to Jane's house, but I think I'm lost. You know her house, right? Lia: Oh, sure. Where are you now? Olivia: I'm on JI. Merdeka. Lia: If you go straight to the west, you'll see a post office on the right side. Then you have to turn right. Go straight until you find a pet shop. Jane's house is across the pet shop. Olivia: Thank you, Lia. Lia: No problem. I actually want to go there, too. But I have to wash my clothes first. Olivia: Oh, really? I'll stay a little longer if you go there, too. Lia: Okay. See you later, Olivia! Olivia: See you! 3. What can you infer from the dialogue above?



Jawaban terverifikasi

Change these sentences into indirect speech. 16.it is time to go away. 17.the woman comes. 18.london is a great city. 19.you may leave us now. 20.where are you going. 21.why do you stop here. 22. Go away at once. 23.don't retreat. 24.God bless you my dear son. 25.did you eat my cake. 26. Who is the winner. 27.will l receive the packet tomorrow. 28.l have to return the book two days ago. 29.do you have a little time. 30.have you heard the news.



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