Naufal S

19 Februari 2024 02:38



Naufal S

19 Februari 2024 02:38


Announcement We regret to inform you that we will close our Springfield office permanently on Friday, December 20. The general business decline in that area makes it impossible to justify keeping the office open. We are aware of the impact this closing will have on employees in that office. Be assured that we will make every effort to find you comparable employment within the Doe organization. To those we are unable to accommodate, we will pay one month's salary to ease the transition. Doe is grateful for your continued service and support during this difficult time. We hope we all will benefit from this change. From the announcement we know that … . A. The employer doesn’t take any responsibility due to the closing office B. Doe organization will find vacant position for the employees C. Some of the employee will get one month salary D. The employees will get the bonus



Jawaban terverifikasi



Nadila O

19 Februari 2024 14:19

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p><strong>c. some of employees will get one month salary.</strong></p><p>kesimpulan ini diambil dari. <i>"To those we are unable to accommodate, we will pay one month's salary to ease the transition</i>."&nbsp;</p><p>Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun upaya akan dilakukan untuk menemukan pekerjaan yang sebanding di dalam organisasi untuk beberapa karyawan, mereka yang tidak dapat ditampung akan menerima satu bulan gaji sebagai kompensasi. Oleh karena itu, opsi C adalah jawaban yang benar.</p>

c. some of employees will get one month salary.

kesimpulan ini diambil dari. "To those we are unable to accommodate, we will pay one month's salary to ease the transition." 

Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa meskipun upaya akan dilakukan untuk menemukan pekerjaan yang sebanding di dalam organisasi untuk beberapa karyawan, mereka yang tidak dapat ditampung akan menerima satu bulan gaji sebagai kompensasi. Oleh karena itu, opsi C adalah jawaban yang benar.



Salsabila M


04 Mei 2024 02:09

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p>From the announcement, we know that:</p><p>C. Some of the employees will get one month's salary.</p><p>The announcement mentions that for those employees who cannot be accommodated with comparable employment within the Doe organization, the company will pay one month's salary to ease the transition. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.</p>

From the announcement, we know that:

C. Some of the employees will get one month's salary.

The announcement mentions that for those employees who cannot be accommodated with comparable employment within the Doe organization, the company will pay one month's salary to ease the transition. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.


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