Alya A

14 September 2024 12:52


Alya A

14 September 2024 12:52


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Jawaban terverifikasi


Silva S

15 September 2024 01:55

Jawaban terverifikasi

1. Agree – Our class is very dirty. There is garbage everywhere. 2. Disagree – Your partner is talkative. (Depends on the situation or individual.) 3. Agree – Our teacher is very patient and helpful. 4. Agree – It is difficult to live in a remote area. 5. Agree – Your English pronunciation is very good. 6. Agree – Every student must join school ceremonies. 7. Disagree – English is important, especially in a globalized world. 8. Agree – Your headmaster is a man of discipline. 9. Agree – The internet helps students learn everything. 10. Agree – Mobile games can make students lose focus on learning.


Daniel N

16 September 2024 01:38

Jawaban terverifikasi

<p><strong>Our class is very dirty. There is garbage everywhere.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Reflect on the cleanliness of your classroom. Is it typically clean and well-organized, or do you often notice trash and clutter?</li></ul><p><strong>Your partner is talkative.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Consider how you or others might describe your partner’s communication style. Are they often chatty and engaged in conversations?</li></ul><p><strong>Our teachers are very patient and helpful.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Think about the behavior of your teachers. Do they exhibit patience and offer assistance when needed?</li></ul><p><strong>It is difficult to live in a remote area.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Reflect on the challenges faced by those living in remote areas, such as access to resources, connectivity, or services.</li></ul><p><strong>Your English pronunciation is very good.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Assess your own or someone else’s English pronunciation. Is it clear and easily understandable?</li></ul><p><strong>Every student must join school ceremonies.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Consider the importance of participating in school ceremonies. Should it be mandatory for all students?</li></ul><p><strong>English is not important.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Evaluate the significance of English in today’s global context. Is it essential or less relevant?</li></ul><p><strong>Your headmaster is a man of discipline.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Think about the headmaster’s approach to maintaining order and discipline in the school. Do they enforce rules effectively?</li></ul><p><strong>The internet helps students learn everything.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Reflect on the role of the internet in education. Does it provide comprehensive learning resources, or are there limitations?</li></ul><p><strong>Mobile games make students lose their focus on learning.</strong></p><ul><li><strong>Agree/Disagree?</strong> Consider the impact of mobile games on students’ academic performance and concentration. Do they distract from studying?</li></ul><p>Moga membantu kamu ALya &lt;3</p>

Our class is very dirty. There is garbage everywhere.

  • Agree/Disagree? Reflect on the cleanliness of your classroom. Is it typically clean and well-organized, or do you often notice trash and clutter?

Your partner is talkative.

  • Agree/Disagree? Consider how you or others might describe your partner’s communication style. Are they often chatty and engaged in conversations?

Our teachers are very patient and helpful.

  • Agree/Disagree? Think about the behavior of your teachers. Do they exhibit patience and offer assistance when needed?

It is difficult to live in a remote area.

  • Agree/Disagree? Reflect on the challenges faced by those living in remote areas, such as access to resources, connectivity, or services.

Your English pronunciation is very good.

  • Agree/Disagree? Assess your own or someone else’s English pronunciation. Is it clear and easily understandable?

Every student must join school ceremonies.

  • Agree/Disagree? Consider the importance of participating in school ceremonies. Should it be mandatory for all students?

English is not important.

  • Agree/Disagree? Evaluate the significance of English in today’s global context. Is it essential or less relevant?

Your headmaster is a man of discipline.

  • Agree/Disagree? Think about the headmaster’s approach to maintaining order and discipline in the school. Do they enforce rules effectively?

The internet helps students learn everything.

  • Agree/Disagree? Reflect on the role of the internet in education. Does it provide comprehensive learning resources, or are there limitations?

Mobile games make students lose their focus on learning.

  • Agree/Disagree? Consider the impact of mobile games on students’ academic performance and concentration. Do they distract from studying?

Moga membantu kamu ALya <3

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