Winafajria W

19 Januari 2022 01:21


Winafajria W

19 Januari 2022 01:21


A long time ago, the lion was the king of the animals. He and th,e Hyena were friends. They often went out to look for food together. One day, they found the cow and the bull. The lion said to the hyena, ''You can have the cow. I want the bull because it is powerful like me." The hyena was afraid of the lion, so he said yes. The lion was very busy being king, so the hyena took care of the cow and the bull. One day, the hyena said to the lion, "My cow will soon have a baby." When the baby cow was born, the lion went to look at it. "This isn't your cow's baby, It's my buB's baby!" said the lion to the hyena. Then the two friends disagreed. They called all the old and wise animals to decide who owned the baby cow. All the animals came except the ape. They all said the baby cow belonged to the lion. But as they were leaving, the ape finally arrived. "I was very busy", he said to the lion. The lion shouted, "I am king of the animals, but I am here! Why were you too busy to come?" "I was sewing the earth and the sky together," the ape explained. Then the lion . asked, "How is it po sible to sew the earth and the sky together? " "First tell me," the ape answered, "How is it possible for a bull to have a baby cow?" What happened to the lion and hyena when they thought that cow and bull would have a baby?

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S. Dwi

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Surabaya

19 Januari 2022 06:48

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hi, Winafajria. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah They disagreed and called all the old and wise animals to decide who owned the baby cow. Soal menanyakan apa yang terjadi pada singa dan hiena ketika bayi sapi dan banteng telah lahir. Makna dari paragraf ketiga adalah sebagai berikut: "Singa sangat sibuk menjadi raja, jadi hiena merawat sapi dan banteng. Suatu hari, hiena berkata kepada singa, 'Sapi saya akan segera punya bayi.' Ketika bayi sapi lahir, singa pergi untuk melihatnya. "Ini bukan bayi sapimu, ini bayi banteng-ku!" kata singa kepada hiena. Kemudian kedua sahabat itu bertengkar." Pada paragraf ketiga, hiena memberitahu kepada singa bahwa sapi miliknya melahirkan. Namun, singa mengatakan bahwa itu bukan bayi milik sapi melainkan milik banteng. Kemudian, mereka bertengkar. Pada paragraf keempat, terdapat kalimat "They called all the old and wise animals to decide who owned the baby cow" yang artinya "Mereka memanggil semua hewan tua dan bijaksana untuk memutuskan siapa yang memiliki bayi sapi". Mereka berdua memanggil semua binatang tua dan bijak untuk menentukan siapa pemilik bayi sapi itu. Dengan demikian, jawaban dari soal ini adalah They disagreed and called all the old and wise animals to decide who owned the baby cow (Mereka bertengkar dan memanggil semua binatang tua dan bijak untuk memutuskan siapa pemilik bayi sapi).


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