Orang Y
18 Agustus 2024 07:26
Orang Y
18 Agustus 2024 07:26
-3 Paragraf:
2.deskripsi 1
3.deskripsi 2
Ketentuan :
1.Minimal 15 kalimat
2.Buatlah kata-kata dan kalimat Anda sendiri menggunakan kamus yang tepat (terjemahan Google dan Aplikasi terjemahan lainnya tidak diperbolehkan)grammar yg tepat dan benar.
3.mengusulkan Olahraga yang baru yang belum pernah dipertandingkan di event olahraga rermi
Isi draf:
1. Identifikasi:Nama Olahraga- Profil, latar belakang, sejarah,Jenis olahraga, siapa yang boleh bermain
2. Deskripsi: cara bermain, menang, kelompok/individu Berapa banyak orang yang terlibat,alat, Properti, bidang,Hadiah/juara
Aqila Z
23 Agustus 2024 02:57
The new sport is called "Aqua Dash." It combines swimming, water polo, and obstacle courses. It was created to test players' speed and strategy in water. Aqua Dash is for anyone aged 15 and older who can swim. It aims to attract young people and those looking for a challenging water sport.
Description 1:
In Aqua Dash, two teams of five players each compete in a swimming pool. Players navigate through water obstacles and pass a ball to reach the scoring zone. Each match has two halves of 15 minutes with a 5-minute break in between. The team with the most points wins. Teamwork and strategy are important.
Description 2:
Aqua Dash is played in a pool at least 2 meters deep. Players use a light water ball and face obstacles like underwater tunnels and bars. They wear protective gear like helmets and elbow guards. Winners receive medals, trophies, or cash prizes. Aqua Dash could become popular because itβs a fun and competitive water sport
Β· 5.0 (1)
Orang Y
01 September 2024 12:56
oke makasih kak ππ
Fira A
28 Agustus 2024 03:31
Β· 0.0 (0)
Orang Y
01 September 2024 12:56
oke makasih kak π
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