Putri S

21 Mei 2024 11:44

Putri S

21 Mei 2024 11:44


(2)....... some beggars don't use the money people give them for their essential needs, such as food.

(2)....... some beggars don't use the money people give them for their essential needs, such as food.


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Jessica J

23 Mei 2024 15:13

Jawaban: 2. Other than that some beggars don't use the money people give them for essential needs, such as food.

Cetta E

24 Mei 2024 12:37

<p>(2) Other than that</p>

(2) Other than that

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Her name is Anaya Michelle woods. Anaya drived at 16.30 pm in the downtown because there is something to take care of. Suddenly, Anaya sees Addison looking at 3 injured teenagers who fell unconscious due to a car accident. Fortunately, Anaya went to Addison to call an ambulance and the police. Until Anaya saw a stalker girl named amelia. After that Anaya called her mother because she was telling something about her 3 friends who were injured, thrown, and rolled over. until her mother was shocked because her friend was injured. As mentioned to find 3 bags that have not been taken from the broken car. Then she realized that Amelia did something trivial and behaved unpleasantly before she get caught. She has to stop amelia plan to destroy their happy life. And she will met her friend. Objective: Find 3 bags from the broken car and don't get caught! What instructions should she follow? A. Find 3 bags B. Find 3 items



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