


Example: I will finish my paper by the deadline. (before meeting started)

Complete sentences:

(+) I will have finished my paper by the deadline before meeting started.

(-) I will not have finished my paper by the deadline before meeting started.

(?) will I have finished my paper by deadline before meeting started?

Combine the following pairs by changing them into the Future Perfect Tense. (Look at the example above) The children will eat all the cake. (before their mother comes)

Combine the following pairs by changing them into the Future Perfect Tense. (Look at the example above)

The children will eat all the cake. (before their mother comes)


N. Puspita

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi




Soal memerintahkan untuk mengubah kalimat pada soal menjadi bentuk Future Perfect Tense . Future Perfect Tense adalah pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu hal yang diprediksi akan sudah terjadi atau sudah terselesaikan di masa depan . Pola kalimatnya yaitu: (+) S + will have + V3 + .... (-) S +will nothave + V3 + .... (?) Will + S +have + V3 + .... Kalimat pada soal tertulis " The children will eat all the cake. (before their mother comes) " Berdasarkan pola kalimat Future Perfect Tense, maka: (+) The children will have eaten all the cake before their mother comes. (-) The children will nothave eaten all the cake before their mother comes. (?) Will the children have eaten all the cake before their mother comes? Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah: (+) The children will have eatenall the cake before their mother comes. (-) The children will nothave eatenall the cake before their mother comes. (?) Will the childrenhave eatenall the cake before their mother comes?

Soal memerintahkan untuk mengubah kalimat pada soal menjadi bentuk Future Perfect Tense.

Future Perfect Tense adalah pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu hal yang diprediksi akan sudah terjadi atau sudah terselesaikan di masa depan.

Pola kalimatnya yaitu:

(+) S + will have + V3 + ....

(-) S + will not have + V3 + ....

(?) Will + S + have + V3 + ....

Kalimat pada soal tertulis "The children will eat all the cake. (before their mother comes)"

Berdasarkan pola kalimat Future Perfect Tense, maka:

(+) The children will have eaten all the cake before their mother comes.

(-) The children will not have eaten all the cake before their mother comes.

(?) Will the children have eaten all the cake before their mother comes?

Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah:

(+) The children will have eaten all the cake before their mother comes.

(-) The children will not have eaten all the cake before their mother comes.

(?) Will the children have eaten all the cake before their mother comes?

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Pertanyaan serupa

Combine the following pairs by changing them into the Future Perfect Tense. (Look at the example above) He will leave. (before you reach his place)



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