


This passage is for the following question. You probably know that calcium and vitamin D are needed to build strong bones. But what you may not know is that there are certain elements in your diet that can actually reduce bone density, increasing your risk for osteoporosis. You need protein to build strong bones, but when you eat too much protein, your body produces chemicals called sulfates that can cause calcium to leach out of the bones. This effect on bones is more likely to occur with animal protein than vegetable protein. In the recent Nurses Health Study II, conducted by Harvard Medical School, 116,686 women were followed for 10 years. The researchers found that women who ate red meat at least five times a week were more likely to have a bone fracture than women who ate red meat only once a week. In a recent study of 31,527 Swedish women ages 40 to 76, conducted by the Swedish Department of Toxicology’s National Food Administration, researchers found that women who drink 330 milligrams of caffeine or more a day — the equivalent of about four cups of coffee — have an increased risk of bone fractures. This risk was especially noted in women who had a lower consumption of calcium. The researchers did not find an association between tea consumption and an increased risk for bone fractures. One reason could be that the caffeine content of tea is typically half that of coffee. The recent Framingham Osteoporosis Study measured the bone mineral density in the spines and hips of 1,413 women and 1,125 men against the frequency of their soft drink consumption. The researchers concluded that cola and diet cola beverages (though not other carbonated drinks) may cause bone loss in women and may involve not just the caffeine, but the phosphorus in colas, too. “It may be that the connection between colas and bone loss is due in part to the substitution of soda for milk, decreasing calcium intake,” says Kristine Cuthrell, RD, research nutritionist and project coordinator, Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, University of Hawaii in Honolulu. (Diadaptasi dari: https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/101/benefits-of-healthy-eating/foods-that-reduce-bone-density.aspx) Which of the following best summarizes the passage? (SBMPTN 2016)

This passage is for the following question.

    You probably know that calcium and vitamin D are needed to build strong bones. But what you may not know is that there are certain elements in your diet that can actually reduce bone density, increasing your risk for osteoporosis. 

    You need protein to build strong bones, but when you eat too much protein, your body produces chemicals called sulfates that can cause calcium to leach out of the bones. This effect on bones is more likely to occur with animal protein than vegetable protein. In the recent Nurses Health Study II, conducted by Harvard Medical School, 116,686 women were followed for 10 years. The researchers found that women who ate red meat at least five times a week were more likely to have a bone fracture than women who ate red meat only once a week.

    In a recent study of 31,527 Swedish women ages 40 to 76, conducted by the Swedish Department of Toxicology’s National Food Administration, researchers found that women who drink 330 milligrams of caffeine or more a day — the equivalent of about four cups of coffee — have an increased risk of bone fractures. This risk was especially noted in women who had a lower consumption of calcium. The researchers did not find an association between tea consumption and an increased risk for bone fractures. One reason could be that the caffeine content of tea is typically half that of coffee.

    The recent Framingham Osteoporosis Study measured the bone mineral density in the spines and hips of 1,413 women and 1,125 men against the frequency of their soft drink consumption. The researchers concluded that cola and diet cola beverages (though not other carbonated drinks) may cause bone loss in women and may involve not just the caffeine, but the phosphorus in colas, too. “It may be that the connection between colas and bone loss is due in part to the substitution of soda for milk, decreasing calcium intake,” says Kristine Cuthrell, RD, research nutritionist and project coordinator, Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, University of Hawaii in Honolulu.

(Diadaptasi dari: https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/101/benefits-of-healthy-eating/foods-that-reduce-bone-density.aspx)

Which of the following best summarizes the passage? (SBMPTN 2016)  

  1. Too much protein reduces bones density as it generates unsafe chemicals causing the bones to lose calcium. undefined 

  2. Excessive calcium and vitamin D consumption builds weaker bones and decreases the risk of osteoporosis. undefined 

  3. In addition to the knowledge on how to build strong bones, people also need to know the causes of bone fractures to prevent osteoporosis. undefined 

  4. Drinking coffee is more harmful to human bones compared to drinking tea as coffee contains caffeine twice than tea does. undefined 

  5. Some elements in our diet such as animal protein, caffeine, and phosphorus in soft drinks may cause bone loss and lead to osteoporosis. undefined 


T. TeachingAssistant.Riri

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E. undefined 



Soal menanyakan ringkasan yang tepat berdasarkan informasi pada teks. Untuk menentukan ringkasan yang tepat dari teks tersebut, harus dipahami dahulu ide pokokdari setiap paragraf. Paragraf 1 membahas adanya unsur-unsur tertentu dalam makanan yang benar-benar dapat mengurangi kepadatan tulang sehingga meningkatkan risiko osteoporosis . Paragraf 2 menjelaskan bahwa terlalu banyak mengonsumsi protein akan membuat tubuh kita memproduksi bahan kimia yang disebut sulfatyang akan menyebabkan kalsium terlepas dari tulang . Paragraf 3 menjelaskan bahwa mengonsumsi 330mg kafein (setara dengan 4 cangkir kopi) atau lebih setiap harinya akan meningkatkan risiko patah tulang . Paragraf 4 menjelaskan bahwa soda dan minuman diet bersoda (yang mengandung kafein dan fosfor) dapat menyebabkan keropos tulang pada wanita. Berdasarkan ide pokok pada setiap paragraf, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks ini memberikan informasi tentang beberapa unsur dalam makanan, seperti protein, kafein, dan fosfor dalam minuman bersodayang dapat menyebabkan pengeroposan tulang dan memicu terjadinya osteoporosis . Dengan demikian, ringkasan yang tepat adalah E. Pilihan A tidak tepat karena hanya satu faktor saja (protein) yang disebutkan dalam ringkasan. Pilihan B tidak tepat karena ringkasan tersebut tidak memuat informasi yang menjadi fokus pembahasan. Pilihan C tidak tepat karena terdapat frasa " need to " yang mengindikasikan "saran", padahal teks ini hanya menyajikan informasi tanpa memberikan saran (dapat dilihat padakalimat pertama dan terakhir teks). Pilihan D tidak tepat karenahanya satu faktor saja (kafein) yang disebutkan dalam ringkasan. Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E.

Soal menanyakan ringkasan yang tepat berdasarkan informasi pada teks. Untuk menentukan ringkasan yang tepat dari teks tersebut, harus dipahami dahulu ide pokok dari setiap paragraf.

Paragraf 1 membahas adanya unsur-unsur tertentu dalam makanan yang benar-benar dapat mengurangi kepadatan tulang sehingga meningkatkan risiko osteoporosis.

Paragraf 2 menjelaskan bahwa terlalu banyak mengonsumsi protein akan membuat tubuh kita memproduksi bahan kimia yang disebut sulfat yang akan menyebabkan kalsium terlepas dari tulang.

Paragraf 3 menjelaskan bahwa mengonsumsi 330mg kafein (setara dengan 4 cangkir kopi) atau lebih setiap harinya akan meningkatkan risiko patah tulang.

Paragraf 4 menjelaskan bahwa soda dan minuman diet bersoda (yang mengandung kafein dan fosfor) dapat menyebabkan keropos tulang pada wanita.

Berdasarkan ide pokok pada setiap paragraf, dapat disimpulkan bahwa teks ini memberikan informasi tentang beberapa unsur dalam makanan, seperti protein, kafein, dan fosfor dalam minuman bersoda yang dapat menyebabkan pengeroposan tulang dan memicu terjadinya osteoporosis. Dengan demikian, ringkasan yang tepat adalah E.

Pilihan A tidak tepat karena hanya satu faktor saja (protein) yang disebutkan dalam ringkasan.

Pilihan B tidak tepat karena ringkasan tersebut tidak memuat informasi yang menjadi fokus pembahasan.

Pilihan C tidak tepat karena terdapat frasa "need to" yang mengindikasikan "saran", padahal teks ini hanya menyajikan informasi tanpa memberikan saran (dapat dilihat pada kalimat pertama dan terakhir teks).

Pilihan D tidak tepat karena hanya satu faktor saja (kafein) yang disebutkan dalam ringkasan.

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah E. undefined 

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