


This passage is for the following question. The pursuit of true happiness can lead people to lifestyles that will not only be satisfying but will be better for the environment, according to an overview of psychological research. “For decades, consumerism has been on a collision course with the environment, with consumer appetites draining the planet of natural resources and accelerating global warming. One view is that we need to change consumption in order to save the planet,” said Miriam Tatzel, PhD, of Empire State College. “But what if we approached it from the other way around? What if what’s good for the consumer meets what’s good for the environment?” Positive psychology, or the study of happiness, well-being, and quality of life, provides the answers to what really brings happiness to consumers, Tatzel said. Several studies have determined that people's basic psychological needs include competence, autonomy, positive relationships, self-acceptance, and personal growth. And research has shown that rather than fulfilling these needs, the pursuit of money and possessions takes time away from more personally fulfilling activities and social relationships. Tatzel’s presentation illustrated how many consumer traits have direct links to the environment for both good and bad. Materialism is not only bad for the environment, it’s bad for consumers’ well-being. “People’s wants escalate as they tire of what they have and they want something else, which in turn leads to more consumption and more waste in landfills, more energy consumed and more carbon emitted into the atmosphere,” she said. “The larger the gap between what one wants and what one has, the greater the dissatisfaction. Less materialism equals more happiness.” Tatzel noted that another path to well-being is thrift, which means conserving resources as well as money, Frugal people are happier with life in general, according to a 2014 study. That may be because avoiding the negative consequences of spending too much and going into debt is one way to avoid unhappiness, she said. People enjoy doing things more than having things, with other studies finding that people realize more lasting happiness by changing their activities than by changing their material circumstances. “Experiences live on in memory, are incomparable, often shared with others, and don’t have to be resource intensive,” said Tatzel. Other research that has found that people are more likely to be happy by cultivating personal talents and relationships more than money and fameand by having an independent sense of self that results in not caring much what others think of their possessions. Tatzel said that when it comes to having money, studies have shown a high income may buy life satisfaction, but not happiness, Tatzel said. People’s emotional well-being, which reflects daily experiences of joy, stress, sadness, anger, and affection that make life pleasant or unpleasant is affected differently by having money than people’s life evaluation, which refers to thoughts about their life, research has found. Life evaluation steadily rises with income. Emotional happiness also rises with income, but there is no further progress beyond an annual income of about $75,000. “A society in which some people are idolized for being fabulously rich sets a standard of success that is unattainable and leads us to try to approach it by working more and spending more,” Tatzel said. “Cooling the consumption-driven economy, working less, and consuming less are better for the environment and better for humans, too.” Ideas in the third paragraph may best summarized as … (SBMPTN 2015)

This passage is for the following question.

    The pursuit of true happiness can lead people to lifestyles that will not only be satisfying but will be better for the environment, according to an overview of psychological research. “For decades, consumerism has been on a collision course with the environment, with consumer appetites draining the planet of natural resources and accelerating global warming. One view is that we need to change consumption in order to save the planet,” said Miriam Tatzel, PhD, of Empire State College. “But what if we approached it from the other way around? What if what’s good for the consumer meets what’s good for the environment?”  

    Positive psychology, or the study of happiness, well-being, and quality of life, provides the answers to what really brings happiness to consumers, Tatzel said. Several studies have determined that people's basic psychological needs include competence, autonomy, positive relationships, self-acceptance, and personal growth. And research has shown that rather than fulfilling these needs, the pursuit of money and possessions takes time away from more personally fulfilling activities and social relationships.

    Tatzel’s presentation illustrated how many consumer traits have direct links to the environment for both good and bad. Materialism is not only bad for the environment, it’s bad for consumers’ well-being. “People’s wants escalate as they tire of what they have and they want something else, which in turn leads to more consumption and more waste in landfills, more energy consumed and more carbon emitted into the atmosphere,” she said. “The larger the gap between what one wants and what one has, the greater the dissatisfaction. Less materialism equals more happiness.” 

    Tatzel noted that another path to well-being is thrift, which means conserving resources as well as money, Frugal people are happier with life in general, according to a 2014 study. That may be because avoiding the negative consequences of spending too much and going into debt is one way to avoid unhappiness, she said.

    People enjoy doing things more than having things, with other studies finding that people realize more lasting happiness by changing their activities than by changing their material circumstances. “Experiences live on in memory, are incomparable, often shared with others, and don’t have to be resource intensive,” said Tatzel.

    Other research that has found that people are more likely to be happy by cultivating personal talents and relationships more than money and fame and by having an independent sense of self that results in not caring much what others think of their possessions. Tatzel said that when it comes to having money, studies have shown a high income may buy life satisfaction, but not happiness, Tatzel said. People’s emotional well-being, which reflects daily experiences of joy, stress, sadness, anger, and affection that make life pleasant or unpleasant is affected differently by having money than people’s life evaluation, which refers to thoughts about their life, research has found. Life evaluation steadily rises with income. Emotional happiness also rises with income, but there is no further progress beyond an annual income of about $75,000.

    “A society in which some people are idolized for being fabulously rich sets a standard of success that is unattainable and leads us to try to approach it by working more and spending more,” Tatzel said. “Cooling the consumption-driven economy, working less, and consuming less are better for the environment and better for humans, too.”

Ideas in the third paragraph may best summarized as … (SBMPTN 2015)  

  1. the level of consumerism may positively or negatively influence the flora and the fauna. undefined 

  2. materialistic person are unhappy and tend to harm environments merely to meet their needs. undefined 

  3. human become unhappy due to the existing gap between their needs and their need fulfillment. undefined 

  4. the more we feel the needs, the harder we try to fulfill them, and the worse we impact on nature. undefined 

  5. happy people are those who can fulfill their needs so that they do not put more burden on nature. undefined 


H. Nurulhayati

Master Teacher

Jawaban terverifikasi


pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B. undefined 



Soal menanyakan ringkasan yang tepat dari paragraf ketiga. Untuk menjawab soal ini, perhatikan informasi yang terdapat pada setiap kalimat. Pada kalimat pertama, penulis menyampaikan informasi bahwapresentasinya Tatzel menggambarkan seberapa banyak sifatkonsumenmemiliki hubungan/pengaruh langsung (baik dan buruk) terhadap lingkungan. Lalu, kalimat ini didukung oleh kalimat-kalimat selanjutnya. Kalimat keduamenyatakan bahwa "Materialisme itu bukan hanya buruk bagi lingkunga n, tetapi buruk juga bagi kesejahteraan konsumen ." Hal tersebut merupakan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai hubungan sifat konsumen dengan lingkungan. Lalu, kalimat ketiga memberikan penjelasan mengenai dampak buruk tersebut, yaitu bahwa keinginan seseorang yangmeningkat (tidak ada puasnya) nantinya akan berdampak pada semakin banyaknya konsumsi, limbah, konsumsi energi, dan karbon yang dkeluarkan ke atmosfer. Kemudian, di akhir paragraf, terdapat pernyataan " Less materialism equals more happiness ." yang mengindikasikan bahwa orang yang tidak materialistik akan lebih bahagia . Berdasarkan informasi yang telah dijelaskan, kita dapat mengetahui bahwa paragraf tersebut membahas"efek buruk dari materialisme terhadap diridan lingkungan". Informasi ini dapat kita temukan pada pilihan B , yaitubahwa orang yang materialistik (mengalami materialisme) itu tidak bahagia dan cenderung membahayakan lingkungan. Pilihan A tidak tepat karena paragraf ini hanya membahas efek buruknya saja. Selain itu, " flora and fauna " juga tidak dibahas pada paragraf ini. Pilihan C tidak tepat karena tidak membahas kaitan atau pengaruhnya terhadap lingkungan. Pilihan D tidak tepat karena kata ganti " we " menandakan bahwa ini merupakan pendapat pribadi. Selain itu, tidak ada pembahasan mengenai " the harder we try to fulfill them " (semakin keras kami mencoba memenuhinya). Pilihan E tidak tepat karena hal yang menjadi fokus dibicarakan adalah "orang yang materialisme", orang yang justru dianggap "tidak bahagia",bukan "orang yang bahagia". Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B.

Soal menanyakan ringkasan yang tepat dari paragraf ketiga. Untuk menjawab soal ini, perhatikan informasi yang terdapat pada setiap kalimat.

Pada kalimat pertama, penulis menyampaikan informasi bahwa presentasinya Tatzel menggambarkan seberapa banyak sifat konsumen memiliki hubungan/pengaruh langsung (baik dan buruk) terhadap lingkungan. Lalu, kalimat ini didukung oleh kalimat-kalimat selanjutnya. Kalimat kedua menyatakan bahwa "Materialisme itu bukan hanya buruk bagi lingkungan, tetapi buruk juga bagi kesejahteraan konsumen." Hal tersebut merupakan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai hubungan sifat konsumen dengan lingkungan. Lalu, kalimat ketiga memberikan penjelasan mengenai dampak buruk tersebut, yaitu bahwa keinginan seseorang yang meningkat (tidak ada puasnya) nantinya akan berdampak pada semakin banyaknya konsumsi, limbah, konsumsi energi, dan karbon yang dkeluarkan ke atmosfer. Kemudian, di akhir paragraf, terdapat pernyataan "Less materialism equals more happiness." yang mengindikasikan bahwa orang yang tidak materialistik akan lebih bahagia.

Berdasarkan informasi yang telah dijelaskan, kita dapat mengetahui bahwa paragraf tersebut membahas "efek buruk dari materialisme terhadap diri dan lingkungan". Informasi ini dapat kita temukan pada pilihan B, yaitu bahwa orang yang materialistik (mengalami materialisme) itu tidak bahagia dan cenderung membahayakan lingkungan.

Pilihan A tidak tepat karena paragraf ini hanya membahas efek buruknya saja. Selain itu, "flora and fauna" juga tidak dibahas pada paragraf ini.

Pilihan C tidak tepat karena tidak membahas kaitan atau pengaruhnya terhadap lingkungan.

Pilihan D tidak tepat karena kata ganti "we" menandakan bahwa ini merupakan pendapat pribadi. Selain itu, tidak ada pembahasan mengenai "the harder we try to fulfill them" (semakin keras kami mencoba memenuhinya).

Pilihan E tidak tepat karena hal yang menjadi fokus dibicarakan adalah "orang yang materialisme", orang yang justru dianggap "tidak bahagia", bukan "orang yang bahagia".

Jadi, pilihan jawaban yang tepat adalah B. undefined 

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