Eloise B

31 Januari 2022 11:14



Eloise B

31 Januari 2022 11:14


The oldest and most essential of the arts and crafts, cookery involves a variety of primary techniques that include the application of dry heat, immersion in or contact with heated liquids or fats, curing, smoking, and pickling. Secondary cookery techniques range from the simplest kitchen chores to the elaborate decoration of ceremonial pastries. Cookery must be divided into two classes, perhaps best defined by the French, who distinguish between cuisine bourgeois ("home cooking") and haute cuisine cookery conceived as an aesthetic pursuit. In theory, the distinction is based on the differences between practical cooking skills and refined artistry. In practice, however, the distinction has always been somewhat vague and has become increasingly so in recent years, as home cooks-better informed, equipped, and supplied than in the past-emulate the work of professional chefs. Cookery originated sometime between the onset of fire making and the beginning, eons later, of the Neolithic period. Until they learned to make and control fire, early humans ate their food raw, subsisting mostly on wild fruits, nuts, insects, fish, and game. Before the development of pottery vessels some 7,000 to 12,000 years ago, food was cooked by roasting it over or toasting it beside open fires, or by wrapping it in leaves or husks, to be pit-steamed over embers. The development of pottery made possible such relatively sophisticated cooking methods as boiling, stewing, braising, frying, and, perhaps, a primitive form of baking. These techniques, in combination with the domestication of animals for their meat and milk and the cultivation of edible plants, opened the way to what ultimately became modern cookery. Determine the part of speech of the following words (noun, verb, adjective or adverb). Then, find the synonyms of the words from the text. 2. main (.....) :



Jawaban terverifikasi



A. Jaariah

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Negeri Makassar

02 Februari 2022 07:45

Jawaban terverifikasi

Halo Dodi, kakak bantu jawab ya :) Jawabannya adalah: main (adjective) : primary. Pada soal ini kamu diminta untuk menentukan part of speech dari kata "main" dan sinonimnya pada bacaan di atas. "Main" merupakan kata sifat (adjective) yang memiliki arti "utama". Dalam artian bahwa hal itu lebih besar, lebih penting, atau memiliki pengaruh lebih dari yang lain dari jenis yang sama. Sinonim dari kata ini bisa ditemukan pada kalimat "cookery involves a variety of primary techniques....." (memasak melibatkan berbagai teknik utama.....). Dari kalimat di atas, kata "primary" memiliki arti yang sama dengan "main" yaitu utama. Jadi, jawabannya adalah "main (adjective) : primary". Semoga membantu ya :)




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