Jongdi J

09 Januari 2022 05:52



Jongdi J

09 Januari 2022 05:52


Powerful typhoon kills 9, shutters airport in Japan The toll in the most powerful typhoon to hit Japan in a quarter century rose Wed!lesday to nine, with thousands stranded at a major airport because of storm damage. Typhoon Jebi slammed into the west coast of Japan around noon on Tuesday, bringing maximum winds of 216 kilometers (135 miles) an hour and heavy rain. The powerful gusts ripped sheeting from rooftops, overturned trucks on bridges and swept a 2,591 ton tanker anchored in Osaka Bay into a bridge leading to Kansai International Airport. The 'damage to the bridge' left the airport, which is on an artificial island, cut off from the mainland, and around 3,000 people were stranded at the facility overnight, a transport ministry official told AFP. Parts of the airport's runways and basement were also flooded after high waves whipped up by the storm washed into the facility. On Wednesday morning, a boat service was ferrying people from the airport to nearby Kobe, the transport ministry official said. But there was no indication yet when the airport, which runs over 400 flights a day, might reopen. "We had a blackout so there was no air conditioning. It was hot," a woman transported Wednesday by boat to Kobe Airport told public broadcaster NHK. "I'd never expected this extent of damage from a typhoon." NHK said the toll in the storm stood at nine, with Jiji news agency saying five of the dead were in Qsaka prefecture. Hundreds more were injured, mostly by flying debris, local media said. Evacuation advisories were issued for more than 1 .22 million people as of Wednesday morning, while another 29,600 people under stronger, though still not mandatory, evacuation orders, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency said. And 16,000 people spent the night in shelters across 20 prefectures, Jiji reported. The fast moving typhoon left land on Tuesday night, moving offshore from the central Ishikawa region, but it left a trail of destruction in its wake. In Kyoto, it brought down part of the ceiling of the tourist magnet's main station, and in Osaka, the high winds peeled scaffolding from a multi-story building. Footage on NHK showed a 100-metre (328-foot) tall ferris wheel in Osaka spinning furiously in the strong wind despite being switched off. "I've never seen such a thing," a 19-year-old man at the scene told NHK. Source: "The damage to the bridge left the airport, which is on an *artificial* island, cut off from the mainland, and around 3,000 people were stranded at the facility overnight, a transport ministry official told AFP. (Paragraph 2) The antonym of the underlined word is .... A. replica B. fake C. natural D. inorganic E. fabricated



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A. Chikal

Mahasiswa/Alumni Universitas Brawijaya

11 Januari 2022 08:38

Jawaban terverifikasi

Hai Jongdi, kakak bantu jawab ya. Jawaban untuk soal ini adalah "C. natural". Pada soal ini kamu diminta untuk mencari antonim atau lawan kata dari kata yang digaris bawahi. Pertanyaannya, "The antonym of the underlined word *artificial* is...." yang artinya "Antonim dari kata yang digaris bawahi *artificial* adalah...". Antonim adalah lawan kata, berarti kita harus mencari lawan kata dari "artificial". Artificial sendiri memiliki arti "palsu". Kita dapat menemukan jawabannya dengan mengartikan satu persatu opsi jawaban pilihan ganda, yaitu: a. replica = replika/tiruan b. fake = palsu c. natural = alami d. inorganic = anorganik e. fabricated = dibuat-buat Dapat disimpulkan dari pengartian diatas bahwa, kata yang memiliki arti berlawanan dengan artificial adalah natural. Oleh karena itu, jawabannya adalah "C. natural"(Alami). Semoga membantu ya.




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