Fifa H

17 Juni 2022 03:52



Fifa H

17 Juni 2022 03:52


Complete the short story below with words provided! Decided Could Slept Lived Were Tossed Asked Insisted Summoned Was The Pauper and the Banker (Part 1) Once upon a time there (1) ... a pauper and a banker. The fust was as poor as the second was rich. So it (2) ... inevitable that the rich man will be happier than the pauper. But their natures (3) ... opposite, for the poor man was happy whereas the banker was not. The banker was annoyed of the fact that while he ( 4) ... and turned in his bed at night, the pauper (5) ... peacefully and always awoke rested and full of energy. One day the banker (6) ... stand it no longer. He (7) ... to find out why the pauper was a happy man in spite of his poverty. So he (8) ... him to his house and (9) ... him his yearly income because he believed that happiness could only be measured in terms of wealth. "I don't count too well, nor do I really care. I live each day as it comes and never worry aboufthe next." "Well, then, just tell me how much you earn in one day," (10) ... the rich man. "I earn what I need. And even that would be too much were it not for all the Sundays and holidays when I must close my shop." Number 1



Jawaban terverifikasi



A. Mursyidatul

Mahasiswa/Alumni UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang

17 Juni 2022 13:29

Jawaban terverifikasi

Jawaban yang benar adalah ''lived''. Soal meminta untuk melengkapi kalimat dengan pilihan kata yang benar. Kalimatnya yaitu ''Once upon a time there (1) ... a pauper and a banker.'' (Dahulu kala (1) ... seorang miskin dan seorang bankir.) Pilihan kata: - Memutuskan. - Bisa. - Tidur. - Hidup. - To be ''were''. - Melempar. - Meminta. - Bersikeras. - Dipanggil - To be ''was''. Maksud kalimatnya yaitu 'Dahulu kala hiduplah seorang miskin dan seorang bankir.' Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kalimatnya dapat dilengkapi dengan kata ''lived'' (hidup). Kalimatnya menjadi ''Once upon a time there lived a pauper and a banker.'' (Dahulu kala hiduplah seorang miskin dan seorang bankir.) Jadi, jawaban yang benar adalah ''lived''.




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